Significant Accomplishments and Capabilities
Performance optimization is the key to well-being and results. I have designed performance frameworks that are utilized in districts across the nation. These tools help build adaptive expertise and provide guidance on the high-leverage practices that matter most in leadership and instruction.
The teacher framework encompasses the following:
Planning for Learning
Building a Culture for Learning
Learning and Assessment
Includes competency checklists for each content area that administrators can utilize for coaching
Strong focus on equity and inclusive practices
360 School Improvement
Schools that have worked with me have seen an increase of two letter grades in one year. Student growth for a network of schools ranges between 21% - 43% increase year over year. I work with leadership teams to build an MTSS structure and foundation with proven results. I also coach teachers on the process, so they are comfortable developing a responsive and comprehensive data plan that meets the needs of every student.
Leadership Development
My favorite part of this work is developing teachers and instructional leaders within the context of their own school. I provide one-on-one real-time coaching for both school administrators and teachers that optimize their performance and enhance learning for students. I also train on my four-dimensional leadership model that I developed over two decades of research and practice.
The four-dimensional leadership framework includes:
Leadership Mindset
Responsible Decision Making
Building Culture
Developing and Maintaining Teams